We are Mexicans
We travel the world with a hot chilli-pepper sauce in our luggage. We conquer Los Angeles, New York, Paris, or Berlin with our war cry. Our culture spreads like Lila Downs’s braids.

We win at the oscars, at the EMIs, we invade Hollywood, we contribute to NASA with brilliant minds. We build robots, we invent life-saving technology. And yes, we won a soccer world cup! (The junior cup, of course). Our talent keeps getting recognition across the globe, but our clothing is exhibited in museums or bears the name of some foreign brand.
At NBD, we wish to honor our textile traditions with designs that provide a new and better idea of what Mexico is. We want you to feel proud of being Mexican without having to wear a sombrero. We want you to stand out, to provoke sighs and admiration… without losing your roots. Quality matters, and so does price. Here we make friends out of those. Cool, huh? We want to democratize the fashion world with a dose of cactus and two doses of good taste.

At NBD, we wish to honor our textile traditions with designs that provide a new and better idea of what Mexico is. We want you to feel proud of being Mexican without having to wear a sombrero. We want you to stand out, to provoke sighs and admiration… without losing your roots. Quality matters, and so does price. Here we make friends out of those. Cool, huh? We want to democratize the fashion world with a dose of cactus and two doses of good taste.

NBD is born out of a group of youngsters who got tired of searching for all of the above. And instead of remaining arms-crossed, they invented it. That is how our brand was born.