Ok, got it: #stayhome and save the world. Being a hero of humanity by slacking on a couch is awesome! Right?
Sounds idyllic, but it is not as easy as it looks. Particularly for those who love the frantic pace of the big city; those who enjoy getting lost in the concrete jungle, socializing, doing sports. Meaning, for the homo urbanus. That creature for which drinking pulque with some friends is the best part of the week.
At NBD, we support #stayhome, but we provide you with some tips to make the most out of this sanitary crisis that forces us to be confined.
1.- Homo social.
This crisis has put us in a state of lockdown, but technology is on our side. Tools, such as Zoom, Skype, or WhatsApp bring us closer to our dear ones, our friends, and dates through smartphones and computers. But why not also on a smart tv? Microsoft’s app, Skype, can be installed in a smart TV in order to make group or individual video-calls. If your television does not have a built-in camera, you can use a webcam. Cool, huh? And if you are among the horny, those who can’t go a week without some contact, we invite you to meet this new toy. You will be able to touch your girlfriend through the screen! You don’t believe it? Check it out. But of course, don’t forget to perk up handsomely for the occasion. Here you have some choices.
2.- Homo Sapiens. Sí, los mexicanos leemos poco, pero esto se debe en buena parte a que andamos en chinga todos los santos días. Cuando llegamos de estudiar, trabajar o de hacer actividades físicas y/o artísticas, lo que queremos es desconectarnos de la realidad por un rato y nos convertimos en homo videns. Pero ya no hay excusas. Si no lees ahora que el tiempo sobra, te estás perdiendo el mejor viaje que puedes tener desde la comodidad del hogar. El cielo es el límite, pero si quieres estar al día, aquí van van dos títulos que están ardiendo en esta cuarentena: Sapiens y Homo Deus, del afamado doctor Yuval Noah Harari. ¿Por qué? Descúbrelo, pero antes ponte cómodo con una playera de algodón suavecita, suavecita
3.- Homo videns. Yes, Mexicans read very little, but this is partly because we’re busting our asses every single day. When we get back from studying, working, or doing physical and/or artistic activities, what we really want is to disconnect from reality for a while, so we turn into homo videns. But there are no more excuses. If you do not read now, when there’s time to spare, you are missing the best trip you can make from the comfort of your home. The sky’s the limit, but if you want to be updated, here are two titles that are on fire this quarantine: Sapiens y Homo Deus, by the famous Dr. Yuval Noah Harari. Why? You can find out, but first, get really comfy with a very soft cotton shirt.
4.- Homo sportus. f there’s anyone severely suffering the consequences of this lockdown, it is the sportsmen. But don’t you worry, if you are a runner, you have endless YouTube channels that will teach you how not to miss a bit in your training through Freeletic techniques, inspired by crossfit and high intensity workout. Among them are the channels of Sergio Peinado, Josemi Castillo, or The Body Coach.
5.- Homo yogus. Did you think yoga and meditation were things for women and old people? You were wrong. Among the benefits of yoga, there are some veeeeery interesting ones: it improves couples relationships and sexual relationships. Exactly! And meditation has an enormous advantage, among many others: It improves emotional stability and relaxes muscular tension. There is a world of courses just like this, at Gaia. Now, if taking your girl to another planet is what you want, you can’t not take a look at tantra. Why not make the most out of the mandatory lay? If the world is to end, let it be while making love, right?
And when the madness of this lockdown comes to an end, when you can finally go out to the streets to shine, what will you wear to reflect the specimen you became after this lockdown? At NBD, we solve that for you. Check out these outfits for the homo urbanus.